Thursday, October 11, 2007

Awoke to
The things I've hidden
Far deeper than thoughts should go
And if it weren't for the shit I've written
And kept underneath the status quo

Figured out the meaning this time
Of all the loss and doses of
A riddled historic divide
Where only questions
Ascertain the tide

This isn't what I believe in
If you hear the way I bore
Through mountains of mischeif and dys
And the utopia I might ignore
Could I hold my breath to listen
Hard enough to feel adored
And emaciate and be forgiven
For the qualms I have
With going for'rd.

This cannot be true
I check the absence list
And all were spoken for.
Like there wasn't dilemma
Or inocence in fighting on
Quit right now and please forget it
This is left to seize the reward.


honest + popular said...

a million things i don't understand but if you can understand me, maybe ill have a home when i land. you always wuz a gorgeous writer. strong like bull and, etc.

honest + popular said...

"to the left/ to the left/ everything you own in a box/ to the left..." were words sung when i wanted to die. now it just sounds brilliant. even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. (twice a day. i got the joke.)

deeeeese nuts!