Saturday, July 04, 2009

hi. my name is impossible.

got something stuck in my head
a sly little devil
who snuck through my ear
and is squatting in there
if only i could get it out
before the it burns the drought
and try for another while
to make that space mine.


honest + popular said...

hi, my name is jo, apparently.

honest + popular said...

do i need to ask for backstory or do you just know by now that i will?

Lukas Abrhm said...

you think you know already.
oh you smarmy broad.
no backstory for you, just for being pompous;)

honest + popular said...

smarmy? smarmy! what are you then? and i don't think i know already or i'd have skipped the backstory question.

pompous i'll take. it looks nice on me.

Lukas Abrhm said...

see yr "hi, my name is jo, apparently." post?
all you.
being all ridiculous.
all the time.
and me? i'm a prude. that's what.

honest + popular said...

look up smarmy, baby. also, you're no prude.

Lukas Abrhm said...

well, woman.
this little tidbit here? this has nothing to do with you.
and it's the fact that yr not smarmy at all that makes me wanna call you smarmy.